Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tangled Knots II - Missed the Miss?

Cast : Betty, Rexx, Tony, Andy, Larry, Sam, Freddy
Betty and Rexx were best of friends. They did their school and college together, but now, have moved to different cities and had lives and interests of their own. Yet, they stayed in touch and were close buddies. Rexx lived in a different town and Betty was with a good crowd of friends in a different city. Betty was a cool socializing gal and she made lotta friends in the city but two special ones - Freddy and Sam. Freddy and Sam were so different from each other! Sam, a genius, was a practical introvert with slapstick sense of humor. Freddy on the other hand, was a party animal, an artist and fun loving. Betty and Freddy got along very well. They had lotta things in common and were very comfortable with each other. But it was Sam with whom Betty was awe-struck! She liked him so much, she wished to impress him. Betty and her friends went for a holiday trip. Betty spent most of the journey with either Freddy or Sam.
It was Betty's birthday. On this special day, she got a surprise gift from an anonymous person! The gift was amazing and expensive. A Swarovski crystal cut intricately into a caged parrot.
But who could have sent it? The gift was just signed 'Your Friend'! How will Betty find this out?!
Is it her lifetime buddy Rexx? Is it the introvert Sam? or Is it the artistic Freddy?
With the help of Sherlock Holmes and Hitchcock of her gang, Betty figured out that it was Freddy! She was elated by the reciprocation of her friendship!! So thoughtful of Freddy!! But what the naive Betty missed, Hitchcock and Sherlock smelled....This is not just friendship! They did tell Betty about it. But Betty was naive and could not/ refused to believe it. The birthday bash went fine and it was obvious to the rest of the world that Freddy was getting interested in Betty. But Betty had no clue!
Will Freddy propose? Will Betty accept? What happens of Rexx and Sam? Do they choose to be her friends? Who will Betty accept if they also choose to propose?

It's for time or my Episode: 2 to answer!

Gyan #1:
Theorem : When you give hints to a girl, it is most likely that her friends will realize your intentions perfectly than the girl herself!
Corollary : If you are interested in a girl, give hints to her friend ;-)


krishis said...

I thought I understood ! But alas, I realized I didn't :(

krishis said...

Hey the theorem is very true, and I have been a part of it - Did you know that :-)

Yadhvi said...

:) I know...and I really think it applies to lotta ppl.